Hello!!!! Firstly thank you so much for visiting my website and checking out my blog! I wanted to write a regular blog along side EVE to allow for some informal chat and discussion surrounding the profession as a whole.

The launch of EVE was a bit of a surprise to many of my friends and family and to be honest even myself. I am an English expat living in Melbourne and last year I took an extended trip home back to the motherland. It was my mum that first suggested setting up an online educational source to help other nurses/techs (and vets) in the field of ECC. My mum has always been one of my biggest supporters and I knew she was extremely proud when I completed my ECC certificate. She made me feel like the smartest person in the room and finally got me thinking- why don’t I try doing something useful with this new knowledge? So with my holiday over and my bags packed with business diaries (thanks mum!) and a handful of webinar drafts, I made my way back over to Melbourne with an excited feeling about what this could possibly lead to..

Of course life gets in the way (as it always does) and I found myself procrastinating rather than making any head way! I found recording webinars so cringe-worthy at first. I thought- if i can’t listen to myself then how will others manage?! So a few months went by and I hadn’t made any real progress, I concentrated instead on my clinical work. However the passion to teach and share knowledge was still sparked everyday. I loved having group discussions and teaching nurses on a daily basis and a little part of me always remembered the excitement I had felt about the project, that by this stage I had written off as a pipe-dream.

I love vet nurses and techs because we are such passionate and caring people. We tend to take so much pride in our work despite common frustrations such as work hours, low recognition and pay scale. No matter how bad a day gets we end up bouncing back to work the next day with fresh scrubs, a smile on our face and a determined attitude!

I don’t know many nurses who don’t love to learn! We are constantly taking in new information, whether that be during clinical rounds, through discussions with vets or even online. There are so many influential nurses out there posting on social media or blogging about their areas of expertise and its fantastic to see so many nurses follow them and soak up all their knowledge and advice!

Continuing professional development (CPD) or continuing education (CE) is so important for us to keep up to date with the latest advances and recommendations in veterinary medicine. However relevant, good quality CPD often comes with a heavy price tag! I believe good CPD should be accessible and affordable to everyone and this is essentially what made me pick my socks up and finally take this little idea and turn it into EVE!

So essentially the rest is history! I’ve spent the last few months creating my first webinar and setting up various social media platforms. The support I have received so far has been amazing and has pushed me to deliver the content! I’m not going to lie, I am terrified and pretty apprehensive about what will come from the publication of my first webinar. It’s daunting to put my voice out into the public domain and have no control about how it will be received. All I can do is know that I have done my best and I hope the content will be helpful to others. I honestly don’t feel I could have done it without the help and support of friends and family. I would like to specially thank DRS-photography for the fantastic editing and support and also to my wonderful uncle at Computer Insight for helping me with this amazing website.

I hope you enjoy following EVE as much as I enjoy teaching 🙂

Please continue to reach out and let me know what subjects you would like to be covered and what it is that drives you to be the best vet nurse, tech or vet you can be!!



2 Responses

  1. Hi Sara, thanks for sharing your story and knowledge with us. I’m so excited to absorb all your future webinars!
    What drives me to be the best nurse is those little moments when I listen to my gut and speak on behalf of my patient and it results in a change in their care for the better.

  2. Hi Hannah, Thank you for your comment 🙂 I know exactly what gut feeling you are referring to! Learning to trust that voice is crucial and its amazing to see patient care improve because of it! 😀

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